Because every student should feel safe and see themselves in the world around them.

ARC Foundation is a recognized innovator in SOGI-inclusive education.

We create breakthrough collaboration models for reducing 2SLGBTQ+ discrimination in schools.
about us >
Change happens faster when we bring voices together.
“Schools are supposed to be about supporting kids, ALL kids, and giving them a safe environment to come and feel like they are accepted and loved. Schools need to know how to help kids like me. We cannot expect them to learn on their own, and YOU can help them.”
“As a past teacher and former President of the BCTF, I have had the unprecedented advantage of witnessing the positive results of ARC Foundation’s work. The resources and support given to teachers through SOGI 123 enables them to feel confident in their role as educators when discussing SOGI topics, which in turn provides for positive impacts on the students they teach.”
“Like the ARC Foundation, BCCPAC members believe that all students, in all schools across the province, should feel safe and included at school. The dialogue ARC initiated and the tools and resources they created with the help and support of the partners in education such as ourselves, have propelled the discussion to the forefront for the benefit of students and their families. We are proud to be a supporter and an ally of both SOGI 123 and ARC.”

SOGI 123 is our flagship program.
SOGI 123 helps educators make schools inclusive and safe for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities (SOGI).
It accelerates systemic change and grassroots action by building province-wide networks of educators and then supporting them in three key aspects of SOGI-inclusive education:
Creating SOGI-Inclusive School Policies
Creating SOGI-Inclusive School Environments
Using SOGI-Inclusive Teaching Resources
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